Wesite Design

Your first impression counts.

Your website has only have 2-7 seconds to get that emotional connection of your visitors to stay longer and find out what you have to offer that can lead to sale.

Research shows 94% of a website user’s first impressions are design-related.

Another study found 75% of users admit that they decide on the company’s credibility based on its website’s design.

Website Design Service

All Website Design Packages Are Custom

-Packages at $999 USD-



  • Custom Designed Home Page, About Page and Contact Page Design
  • Three (3) Additional Custom External Pages (Testimonials, FAQs, Services…)
  • Three (3) Legal Pages (Privacy Policy, Terms + Conditions, Terms of Service)
  • Standard Blog + Sidebar Design
  • Graphic design and development of all site related graphics and sub-marks or decorative pieces to help convey brand tone and mood throughout the overall site design.
  • Content structuring and development of visual and textual content as it relates to communicating the products, services, and goals of your business.


  • WordPress Setup Theme Installment
  • Plugin Setup + Activation
  • Custom CSS Styling
  • (1) Custom Contact Form
  • Social Media Integration
  • Responsive Mobile Site Design
  • Subscription/Opt-in Integration


  • Content Questionnaires to help you organized your website content
  • We will assist you to come up with the best keywords for your industry in order to maximize your new website’s search-ability on all major search platforms
  • Optimization of all images, site content, meta-data and alt text applied, and Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and such.


All websites are completely responsive across all devices, ensuring that your clients’ online experience is consistent no matter how they view your site.


Custom on-site forms or questionnaires for your services or client intake process, as well as the customization of intake forms or questionnaires embedded via external programs.


We will connect and integrate any external email subscription programs, Client Management Systems, or social media feeds that you use for your business in order to streamline your onboarding/subscription process.


We will be available for 72 hours post the live-launch of your website to provide additional support through the launch process and to help you get acquainted with your new platform with additional extended support options available post project as needed.

We don’t just create unique branded website that will make you stand out in digital space and meets your professional and personal needs but we also make your website functional and optimized to help you grow your business.

Our Recent Works

Our Creative Process

We know that teaming up with us is one of the first decisions you will have to make for your business and we really value your confidence in us. That’s why we offer transparency, guidance and clear communication every step of the project that we will collaborate together.

All website design projects take between 4 – 6 weeks to complete (completely dependent upon client response time and project scope.)

Website Design Services
“Julie is an excellent designer! She did a great job on rebuilding our website and coming up with the branding.-”

– Brice Gump, Major Impact Media

“Extremely talented, always communicative. Highly recommended”

– John Ellington

“Julie did an awesome job on my website improvement! She gave me great feedback in regards to how we could make improvements and I am very happy with the work she did. I will be contacting her again for my future website needs. Thanks, Julie! ”

-Megan Gump

“I’ve hired Julie many times and plan on hiring many times more! Excellent designer and very punctual and understanding! ”

-Raleigh D., Media Wizards

We love working with passionate and commited individuals.  Contact us today to learn more about working with us. 

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