Your Wealthy Year

Logo Design | Visual Branding | Clickfunnel Page Design

Project Overview

Your Wealthy Year is a digital marketing campaign of financial adviser and entrepreneur, Dominique Broadway.  It is a free 5 day live webinar and email campaign that tackles saving, budgeting, debt and investment.

For every project with Dominique, I see to it that Dominique’s persona would always transcends on her products and marketing efforts but more importantly I made sure that the brand identity and visual branding appealed on Your Wealthy Year’s target audience.  These are active,  brilliant, and enthusiastic millennial women.

Dominique used Clickfunnel, a powerful digital marketing tool for her landing page and webinar functions.  I helped Dominique build the website both on technical and design aspects.

Your Wealthy Year was launched last Feb. 19, 2018 and up to this date it collected over 2,000 email subscribers and added 400% on Dominique’s social media reach and engagement.


Your Wealthy Year


Dominique Broadway


Logo Design

Visual Branding: Email Header, Social Media Graphics and Branded Worksheets

Clickfunnel Page Design

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