She Rises

Logo Design | Visual Branding | WordPress Web Design and Development


Project Overview

Giovanna Capozza, a woman’s advocate and health healing expert and life coach branded her podcast as She Rises.  It is a once a week podcast that empowers, inspires and educates women in aspects of her life and well-being.

Giovanna specified she wanted to use peacock’s feather for her logo and brand identity. A peacock is a modern representation of mythical phoenix.   The brand was conceptualize by the characteristics of a phoenix  – consumed by it’s own fire and rises from it ashes.

As for her wordpress she wanted a website that collects emails, showcases her podcast and a venue for her to offer her services and engage to her audience.



She Rises


Giovanna Capozza c/o Thriving Launch


Logo Design

Visual Branding: Podcast Cover, Social Media Graphics and Cover

WordPress Web Design and Development

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